An alternative business loan can be used for many things, but many times the most important and miniscule business issues are overlooked. Business organization is important to not only you and your employee, but also your merchant account provider and your customers. Regardless of the type of alternative business loan you choose through your merchant account provider, reorganizing your business can help improve your sales and even your budget.
Even small merchants have issues keeping track of every piece of inventory in stock. Over ordering can cause problems, not only with overlapping stock, but also cost you funds. By using an Excel sheet, you can easily keep track of inventory. Many already have Microsoft Office (which features Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.), but for those who do not it is available for purchase online for around $100 for the life of your computer. A depreciation template in Excel or Word is great for inventory or equipment that loses value over time. This depreciation can affect your business tax filings, so this is important to understand and keep track of.
A balance sheet is one of the most essential templates available – and usually the first thing updated by a merchant. Not only can this help you understand your business income, but it can play a big part into getting a loan or alternative business loan down the road. A profit and loss statement can also help businesses big and small see where they need to focus their attention. If e-cigs are huge sellers but energy drinks are not, you can better judge via the profit and loss statement which is making you money and which is draining you of it.
Regardless of your business, spreadsheets can help you keep track of many aspects of your business. From keeping track of current inventory to keeping track of depreciation values, there are endless options for your business needs via Microsoft Word. If you cannot afford to invest in it, consider an alternative business loan through your merchant account provider to fund your needs.