Are you one of the many individuals that wakes up hitting the snooze button repeatedly, dreading the day ahead at work. A steady paycheck keeps you going back. And the fear of not having that paycheck, along with bad credit issues, keeps you from starting a business you would love and look forward to. If the lack of startup capital is keeping you from striking out on your own, you will appreciate the following examples of businesses that require little to no upfront, out-of-pocket expenses.
- Hobby business. Many startups are created by individuals that turn their favorite hobbies into jobs. Consider “Karen Holly” Jewelry, for example. This business was started by two network television employees who loved making jewelry for their co-workers in their spare time. Now, these women’s creations are sold to upscale clients in the Atlanta area.
According to Rachna D. Hain, founder of business coaching firm Excel With Ease Coaching in Columbia, Maryland, “Many times, you’ll have a lot of knowledge about [your hobby] already,” she says. “And the most successful entrepreneurs are the ones who have a passion for the work they do”.
Personal Shopper. Instead of watching your money fly out of your bank account, you can actually increase it by turning your shopping addiction into a profitable business venture. In 2011, Katrina Lake founded Stitch Fix. After consulting for retailers and learning from her fashionable sister, she believed her new retail concept could help busy women discover their personal style. Lake’s idea, dreamed up while attending Harvard Business School, has turned into a highly sought after and incredibly lucrative business.
Closet Organizer. Closely related to a personal shopper, a closet organizer is especially suited to those who have a Type A personality. Closet organizers help by coming into a client’s home, throwing out worn items and eliminating wardrobe redundancies. The skills required for this job are patience and exceptional organizational skills.
In 2000, Lisa Zaslow left the daily grind of an office job to found her professional organizing business, Gotham Organizers. The idea for her business came to her while vacationing at a friend’s home in 1999 as she sorted through a messy closet for some napkins. Zaslow shared that it is one thing to organize for friends and family, but it is completely different when doing so for someone else. Professional organizing is a customized business that requires the entrepreneur to discover the right solution for each customer.
According to Izsak, National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) board president, “People are going to continue to struggle with this issue [of personal organization], and this need will continue to grow”, he says. “I don’t see the demands on people’s time becoming fewer. [Organizing professionals] are here to stay-this is not a fad”.
According to a report by the Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED), 56% of U.S. consumers have subprime credit scores. Bad credit prevents so many consumers from being able to take advantage of the best – or even average – interest rates if they are in need or want to borrow money. If you want to start a business that you can be passionate and proud of, but struggle with a past business venture fail or bad credit, consider the many low cost business ideas you can start with little or no money. You might also want to consider what FAM’s bad credit merchant account with instant approval can offer you and your new business.