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Small Businesses Can Afford New Technology with a Merchant Cash Advance

modern computer gadgetsMaybe you do not want to become a mega-corporation. You would be perfectly happy doing enough business to give your family a comfortable life, save for retirement and college for the kids, be able to provide fair salaries and bonuses for however many employees you have. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this goal. However, to remain in business to achieve your goals, you must keep up with evolving technology.

Every day it seems that there are software upgrade and updates for our computer systems. New ways of measuring inventory have cut out a lot of ‘man hours’ and made actual inventory more reliable. For many small business owners it isn’t the lack of cash that holds them back from investing in necessary new technology. It is the fear of spending the cash when it may be needed down the road.

Business owners do not have to spend what cash they have on hand to acquire software updates or new hardware that is needed to make their companies more competitive. Looking for a small business loan? A Merchant Cash Advance could be the best solution. Like any other industry, competition is keen in the computer world. If you have already arranged for your small business loan and the vendor considers you to be a cash customer, he may be willing to give you options just to make the sale. Developers want a bird in the hand and oftentimes will jump through hoops to get it.

One major advantage is that some software vendors will package a deal and throw in some ‘extras’ to sweeten the pot. It is not unusual for them to bundle shipping costs, installation and labor, training and support. When you purchase a bundle from the vendor, everything is inclusive. You are quoted that one price and you do not pay a penny more.

By obtaining a small business loan for your software you can make the deal suit your particular business footprint. You know how much of a fixed payment you can handle on a monthly basis. You add the cost to your budget and it becomes an obligation just as rent and utilities. You know exactly what it will be every 30 days. You also know what time of the month your cash-on-hand is the highest. Perhaps you bill net 10 on the first and your bank account is full by the 15th. By arranging your due date on the 17th, you’ll know you will always have the funds available.

There certainly are options other than tying up all your cash in an investment of new software. There are optimum deals for businesses with superb credit and there are also deals for those businesses with less than stellar credit.

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