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How to Get Social Media to Work for Your Business

Mechanic hand holding a wrenchSocial media can be an intimidating mystery to entrepreneurs and start up businesses. Even if you use Facebook and Twitter regularly, it can be difficult to understand the mechanics behind getting these powerful platforms to work for your business and reach your customers. But, social media is so powerful it’s a good use of a fraction of the money you may have from a start up business cash advance. Whether you’re a first time user to social media, or a junkie, here is a beginner’s guide to understanding how social media can work for your business.

1) Go Across All Platforms

If your business has something to share, share it on all the social media platforms your business has. Tweet it on twitter, share it on Facebook, post it on Instagram, and put it on a blog. You can take a single piece of content and provide updates throughout the week on each and every social media platform. Also, by posting and sharing in more social media mediums, you increase the odds of a major influencer for your subject matter to share it.

2) Have a Strong Headline and Visual

Content with too much text turns the brain off. It’s been demonstrated that the brain can process an image almost 50,000 times faster than text. If you want to get your point across quickly to lure in clicks and shares have a strong visual and headline. The headline is what people see first, and there are definite patterns to what people click and share. Emotional headlines, how-to guides, and those offering a reward or promise are by far the most popular.

3) Develop Quality Content

Just going through the motions doesn’t work for business and it doesn’t work for social media. You need the quality and value to back up what you put out there. Research what the best content offers in the subject matter relevant to your customers and your business. See what the best looks like. Then develop high quality content that offers value in return for the valuable time of your customers. Social media is not a sheep’s game—it’s not a giant herd of followers and shares—it’s important that at the foundation of your social media is quality.

4) Build Community

Whether you’re featuring guest blog posts, reaching out to your customers, or sharing others content and asking them to share yours, developing a community is the crux of social media. The social factor, finding what interests you and interests people like you, is the whole point. Building a community for your business on social media creates an online brand that generates likes, clicks, and shares.

Brand building, attracting new customers, and building and maintaining a relationship with your current customers are all benefits of social media. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram aren’t going anywhere. Use the tools you’re given. Developing a social media profile to grow your business is cheap and effective for helping get your start-up off the ground.

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