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Compare Merchant Cash Advance Rates

Are you looking for the best merchant cash advance company? Do you want to compare merchant cash advance rates? At First American Merchant we can help you compare the rates of dozens of merchant cash advance providers. We’ll work hard to get you the best deal on a merchant cash advance.

Merchant cash advance programs are a great way for business owners with less than perfect credit to get working capital.

How much does a merchant cash advance cost?

A merchant cash advance basically allows you to sell a portion of your future sales for a discounted rate to a lender. The lender recoups the advance by holding back a portion of your future sales.

The cost of a merchant cash advance depends on your credit score, your time in business, your type of business and other variables. The cost of a credit card processing advance is 100 tax deductible.

Generally the cost of a merchant cash advance is between 20%-40% of the amount funded.