The Best of Merchant Cash Advance Programs
Looking for the best merchant cash advance program? Need money for business, but don’t want to pay outrageous interest rates? Here at First American Merchant Cash Advance, we can help your business get a credit card processing advance, for the lowest possible cost.
We have dozens of receivables financing lenders that we work with. We can get you funded in as little as 7 days. Bad credit? Bankruptcy? Tax Liens? No problem! We can get you a merchant cash advance regardless of your personal credit history. As long as you have been in business for at least 12 months and you process at least $2000 in credit cards every month, you’re approved!
Benefits of a Merchant Cash Advance:
- Fast Funding – 7 to 10 Days
- Flexible Terms – No fixed payments, fluctuates with volume
- Bad Credit OK – Approval based on monthly credit card volume
- Tax Deductible – The entire cost of the advance is deductible the same year