As a business about to strike out into the industry, you will need a credit card processor. Worst yet, if you are in a high risk pool, your fees will not be as inexpensive as some. Of course, even the airlines industry is in the high risk pool, so don’t despair. There are solutions out there and they can be found.
After you have determined what your business falls into, you will need to see what is out there for credit card processors. What are the rates? Are there discounts for your business? What amount per month do you anticipate and pray to have come in?
With the flick of your computer, or any electronic device, you just search for the right answer. If you Google it, look for the high risk directory for the year, you need it. For this example, we are doing 2013. So…… 2013 high risk credit card processing broker high risk directory and begin doing your research.
Out of California is Founded in 2010, with a revenue size over $10 million dollars, and have a 99% approval rate. They are backed by a large network of banks and rate number one in the nation for taking care of all businesses in need of a merchant account. They come with a 100% Worry Free Guarantee.
When shopping for the correct broker
You will need a list of things you need answered. How much are their rates? Are they out of the country? Who do they answer to when things go wrong? How are their customer service representatives? And will you be able to contact them twenty four hours a day, seven days a week? Let’s face it, everyone knows, things will go wrong on the weekends, when everyone is gone. Check to see if they have a chat area and speak with them before you begin filling out paperwork. It will help you in the long run.
Research research research
If you collect all your information, then little surprises don’t happen down the road. You want your customers to have a quick, safe and easy experience when they purchase from you. Do your due diligence and find the one that best suits you. No excuses.