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4 Steps to Create a Workable Small Business Plan

What makes a great business plan? In addition to writing and covering all the key details, your business plan needs to be workable. Many templates outline the most important and common business plan information you need to include but miss one crucial element: creating a step by step plan.

Your business plan is a road map, helping you navigate new territory and maintain your focus on your business goals. You need to not only detail precisely what you intend to do, but also how it will come to fruition. You need a workable business plan. To ensure you create a business plan that will actually help you succeed, consider the following guide:

  1. Identify Your Audience

To make sure your business plan is prepared the right way and is as effective as possible, you need to consider your audience. As yourself, who is going to receive your business plan? What can you include specifically for them? Your team is part of your audience. Your investors may also be part of your audience. What are each of their concerns? You will need to tailor your business plan to that audience.

  1. Understand Your Market

Another question to ask that will also help you find your audience is, who are my target customers? You must understand your market. You need to know exactly what the locations are that you will sell your products. You also need to decide if you are launching online, or at a brick and mortar location. The answers to these questions lay a foundation.

  1. Determine Where You Will Get Funding

A huge question that will determine how smoothly your business operates and how successful it will be long-term is, where will you get your business funding? There are many options, but not all work for every business type and industry. Many businesses struggle or are unable to secure traditional funding. As a result, they turn to other lenders to secure alternative business loans like cash advances.

  1. Pinpoint Potential Needs and Roadblocks

One of the most important steps is to include all potential needs and roadblocks your business might face short- and long-term. Especially is you’re planning on approaching investors for funding, you will need to know exactly what you need from them ahead of time. They will also want to see that you have anticipated and planned how to respond to potential problems.

Ultimately, writing a workable business plan requires a firm grasp of your audience, your team, your market, and your capital situation. When you also make note of potential challenges, you will be able to create a step by step business plan you can successfully follow through with and fall back on as needed.

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